Home Department


A Private Patriotic Educational Club that helps qualified

patriotic-minded adults in many important ways.  We also

 Help Develop a Better America (USA) For All Citizens!


is a subsidiary education service of

ABC's of Health, Inc.

a South Carolina Corporation

doing business as (dba)

ABC of Health.

Contact ABC of Health
at these addresses:

Email:  ABCofHealth@live.com

(Shipment Receiving address)

ABC of Health

201 B West Butler Road, # 159

Mauldin, South Carolina

+  +  +  +  +

(Preferred Mail Address)

ABC of Health

 P.O. Box 127 

Mauldin, South Carolina

PHN: 864-329-0004 

FAX:  864-329-0005

TXT:  864-735-2234

ABC's Hours of Operation
for Receiving Phone Calls:  

Monday thru Friday: 
9:00 AM to 7:00 PM 

To learn more about our parent company,
ABC's of Health, Inc.,
visit our Introductory Website at 

     Join with us as we help our A4J private education club members

develop a better life for themselves and their family members.

We also work to develop a better America for all responsible

patriotic-minded American citizens.

      If you are reviewing this website for the first time, we suggest that you bookmark this site for convenient return access.  You have likely already visited our Americans 4 Justice educational website at www dot Americans4Justice-SC dot com

      If you liked our vital educational services and our education projects, as explained at that A4J educational website, the A4J referring affiliate may have suggested that you visit this second A4J educational website to obtain more information about our special network marketing commission system so you could see and understand why it works very well for our A4J club member affiliates

Can You Qualify For Membership In our A4J Club?

      Do you believe you can qualify for membership in our A4J - SC private education club?  We are looking for responsible patriotic-minded American adults that are natural-born American citizens who are also  Christian-oriented and live in their permanent (not temporary) home or residence address with a ZIP code of 296 - - or 293 - - .

      If you meet these qualification standards, we would like for you to send an email request for our membership application paperwork so you can move forward with qualifying actions for membership in our very special Americans 4 Justice - SC educational club

     You can learn exciting information about our network marketing affiliate commission opportunities by reviewing this Home Department.   

     We welcome new ideas and suggestions from our A4J club members and we value enthusiasm from club members who are actively working to help our club members achieve some of the patriotic objectives and mission projects that we promote with this exceptionally important Americans 4 Justice private education club membership.

The About Us department herein presents

additional information about Americans 4 Justice-SC.


     All American citizens are involved in a very important political power struggle, whether or not they are aware of this situation, because there are powerful and well-organized economic and political forces, headquartered in Europe, that strive continuously to increase their power and control over America and all American citizens.  This has been going on a long time - president George Washington was aware of some of that European political power.  Those political forces have grown much stronger over the past 150+ years, and our means of opposing those international forces have also grown much stronger.

     This very serious power struggle has been going on all of your life. Socialist and communist political manipulator activist enemies of the USA have made a frightening amount of progress in America since the 1920's, when those subversive actions first began.  Those subversive political actions are currently at a dangerous level in American politics.

     Fortunately, there are numerous patriotic-minded groups and organizations in America that have some level of understanding about this major ongoing political power struggle. 

     These patriotic groups work independently of each other, as responsible modern-day patriots, to help defend and protect the freedoms that American citizens have enjoyed throughout their lifetime.  As you have already learned, their are several very important books that have been written about these critically important political situations.

     Consequently, thousands of  patriotic-minded Americans have been educated to some extent about these critically important political issues.  Many patriotic-minded citizens now understand that some of our vital American freedoms have gradually and quietly slipped away by being diminished by numerous deceptive political actions over the years.

     Think about what has happened to some very important long established American freedoms as a result of the terrorist attacks on September 1, 2001, and the quickly responsive "USA PATRIOT Act" - H.R. 3162, that was passed by the U.S. Congress in October 2001 with overwhelming congressional support. 

     You can research that very important congressional action at https://epic.org and then consider how some long-standing conventional American freedoms have changed (have been diminished) a lot since that time. 

     When you get to the epic dot org website, look for the research topics near the top of the Home department (the landing page).  Select the Policy Issues topic (left top) and get a drop-down menu.  Select the bottom topic listed "All Policy Issues." 

      Scroll down the page and find a category titled Privacy by Topics: The A to Z's of Privacy (Red color). You can now scroll down a lengthy list of topics (in alphabetical order) until you find the topic PATRIOT Act

     Select that topic and you will be able to review important information about the U.S. Congress House Resolution Bill (H.R. 3162) that was used to quickly create the complex USA PATRIOT Act. 

     The bill proposal went through house and senate deliberations as emergency legislation that was compromised substantially to quickly resolve certain issues so the final version of the very complex legislative bill could be submitted to President George W. Bush.  The USA PATRIOT Act bill was signed into law by President Bush on October 26, 2001.  Life in America has changed a lot since that bill became the law of the land.

     If you would like to take a look at the finalized very complex USA PATRIOT Act, H.R. 3132, scroll down to the Introduction section and select the link provided in the first line of that information to go directly to House Resolution 3132.  You will see that it is a very complex bill that involves consideration of many important government services.

     Since that bill was signed into law, the provisions therein have enabled many very important diminished changes in personal freedoms for American citizens. 

     Law enforcement agencies, military operations, and security agencies, and the subsequently developed U.S. Department of Homeland Security have used the new legal flexibilities created by the USA PATRIOT Act to develop actions for carrying out their complex and difficult law enforcement and national security responsibilities.  


Modern-day Patriotic Citizens

     Our parent company, ABC of Health, is primarily an alternative health type natural healthcare and wellness concepts education company, as shown at our introductory healthcare education website at ABCofHealth.com/.

     Our introductory A4J educational website, Americans 4 Justice- SC dot com, shows that our network marketing educational opportunities are also focused on Lon Willoughby's special abilities to provide very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services for our A4J private education club members

     However, that A4J introductory website also shows that we can provide very important and very valuable educational services for our A4J club members about several other very important subjects

     That introductory A4J website and this A4J website both show that we are also responsibly helping sound the alarm about some dangerous political and social conditions involving dangerous and detrimental socialist and communist political actions in the USA.  In effect, ABC of Health is also serving as a patriotic modern-day Paul Revere and William Dawes team -  working to alert responsible American patriots about serious political dangers that we see clearly.

     NOTE:  If you do not understand how William Dawes and other colonial patriots helped Paul Revere alert very important people about the British invasion back in 1775 (April 16th), Lon Willoughby suggests that you do an Internet word search about William Dawes at en.Wikipedia.org, or Google.com, or try finding information about William Dawes using other major search engines such as Firefox, MSN, Yahoo, etc.

     A4J needs all the help we can get from other patriotic-minded responsible Americans, and we are glad you are taking time to visit both of our very important Americans 4 Justice educational websites.

     This special website is our Americans4Justice-SC club membership's online educational meeting place, where we educate patriotic-minded Americans about our network marketing opportunities in more depth.

     We also use this second A4J website to help coordinate our organized activities, share ideas, and also further publicize our vital educational services, goals, and mission projects

     This second A4J website also helps our A4J club member affiliates in their individual work efforts to educate prospective apparently "qualified visitor" American citizens about our special network marketing type computerized software program.  We explain herein some of the special features and functions that can be very helpful to our A4J club member sales affiliates that would not be reasonable effective without this complex membership accounting type software.

A4J Club Member Teamwork Opportunities

     Our A4J club members work together in an enlightened teamwork manner to help make our mission statement objectives known to as many freedom loving and patriotic-minded apparently "qualified visitors" as possible.

     We encourage American patriotic-minded "qualified visitors" to try to qualify to join with us to help develop a better America for all citizens in this very special country - a remarkable Republic.  We realize that adult citizens need special education to understand clearly that every generation of Americans must exercise sufficient citizen's voting responsibilities to keep this remarkable complex Republic functioning properly for 333+ million citizens.

     Historical records report that as Benjamin Franklin was coming out of the building, after the Constitutional Convention ended in  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in September 1787, someone in the group of people waiting outside shouted out "Doctor, what have we got?  A republic or a monarchy?  Franklin responded "A Republic, if you can keep it."  

     Benjamin Franklin obviously realized that responsible citizens would need to defend and protect their new Republic (form of government) if it was going to survive serious political challenges in the future.     

     That is why ABC of Health is now using the Internet knowledge and the valuable website development skills of Lon and Janie Willoughby to enable our A4J private education club members to better defend, protect, and preserve our absolutely remarkable American Republic - as best we can.  We will truly appreciate your responsible citizen's help in this very important patriotic American citizen's education project.

Helping Club Members Achieve the American Dream:

Freedom, Fairness, Equality, Justice, Opportunity, Health and Happiness

     You now understand that Americans 4 Justice - SC is an independent private educational club for natural-born American adult citizens who are Christian-oriented and patriotic-minded Americans who truly care about the remarkable heritage that we very fortunate descendants have as American citizens

     One of our major objectives is to help our A4J - SC club members obtain access to very important and very valuable educational information that can provide vital practical, responsible, sensible, and affordable opportunities to protect and preserve their natural health, and also use current advancements in natural healthcare and wellness concepts knowledge to improve their healthy lifestyle actions 

     Practical natural healthcare actions can be taken such as:

     1.  Developing a much healthier way to eat daily is very important.  Food that is not digested properly can cause putrefaction (rotting) in the long digestive tract that enables toxic byproducts to migrant into the blood system, through the portal vein into the right lobe of the liver, in the same way that helpful food nutrients routinely migrate into the blood system. 

     Those toxic byproducts can also get distributed throughout the body to vital organ cells and many other tissue cells, in the same way that food nutrients get distributed throughout the body to trillions of cells that need those food nutrients. 

     Those toxic byproducts can poison trillions of body cells, including cells in the brain, the eyes, the heart, the lungs, and other vital organs and tissue cells throughout the body.

     People who eat a bite of this and then eat a bite of that as they rotate bites of food types when they eat a meal clearly demonstrate that they know very little about the complex digestive system.  This very common situation in America also can include most people with college level degrees - even those with degrees in dietetic science (dietitians), medical doctors, medical nurses, nutritionist, and this likely also includes some naturopathic physicians. 

     Hardly anyone in America knows how to eat in an optimized manner at meal times.  It is difficult to find an American adult that has studied the complex human digestive processes for various types of foods in enough depth to understand that there is a practical, responsible, sensible, logical and rational easy way to eat a variety of foods at a meal. 

     Lon teaches our A4J club members about a much better way to eat food that can enable the complex digestive process to work much better than the commonly used eating methods  that most citizens in America eat their three meals a day. 

     People who consume lots of liquid with their meals also demonstrate that they know very little about the complex digestive processes for various foods.  That is also true for people who routinely consume cold liquids with their meals. 

     Does all of this really matter very much?  Yes, it does!!!!  Please pause and consider that more than 750,000 people die in America annually from cardiovascular problems such as heart attacks and strokes.  Another 500,000+ people die in the America each year from various cancer conditions.

     It is very important to understand that poorly digested food residue in the long intestinal tract (about 30 feet long) can be a major contributor to those health problems and many other health problem conditions. 

     Colon cancer conditions is the number 2 cancer killer in the USA, second only to lung cancer.  Toxic byproducts migrating into the blood system from poorly digested food residue can be a substantial contributor to many serious health conditions and several forms of cancer, not just colon cancer conditions

     Do you now realize that food digestion knowledge is very important if you want to enhance the quality of your health?

     Natural healthcare consultant, Lonnie Willoughby, knows how to teach vital natural healthcare and wellness concepts about improving the human digestion of food residue in the intestinal tract system.  Lon teaches proprietary and copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts that he developed after many years of natural healthcare concepts study and evaluations over a period of many years

      He also refers A4J club members to helpful text books that contain other healthcare and wellness concepts that are copyrighted by other healthcare professionals.  Lon cannot teach those natural healthcare and wellness concepts because those copyrighted healthcare concepts are owned by other health consultants.  However, Lon can refer A4J club members to their very helpful educational books, or to their helpful website education. 

     Now that our Americans 4 Justice-SC network marketing education system is being implementing in the upstate area of South Carolina, Lon Willoughby only teaches our proprietary and copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts to our A4J private education club members.

     2.  Those special natural healthcare and wellness concepts can help our A4J education club members in many ways:

     A.  develop practical and sensible exercise programs that can be done conveniently at home for males and females,

     B.  improve the quality of their drinking and cooking water,

     C.  improve vital air quality in their home, and learn 

     D.  Vital information about selecting nutrition supplements

     E.  develop several other proprietary and copyrighted healthy lifestyle improvement actions that can be very important to our A4J education club members and some qualified family dependents for the rest of their life.

     Our vital education services can help our A4J - SC club members learn how they can improve their life a lot and also help them effectively build a better and stronger America in their local area for themselves, for their children and maybe for their grandchildren, and maybe for children of future generations of American citizens

     Select the department links at the top or bottom of this Home Department to go to our Objectives Department and also go to our Programs Department to obtain more information about our vital education services for health-conscious Christian-oriented patriotic Americans.   

        Our vital education services are unique in America; we are the only independent healthcare education company providing these copyrighted vital educational services for American adult citizens living in the upstate area of South Carolina.

Exciting Home-based Business Opportunity

for Patriotic Natural-born American Citizens


     In addition to our exceptionally important and very valuable vital healthcare educational services, we also offer our A4J - SC club members very important education in five additional subjects that can truly improve a club member's life.  

     We also present remarkable opportunities to earn generous amounts of income in a very easy and convenient manner that requires very little time or effort.  Consequently, our A4J - SC club members can earn generous affiliate awards by being active and effective modern-day American patriots.  

     We have developed a network marketing sales program that enables our parent company, ABC of Health, to pay active A4J club member sales affiliates a generous Affiliate Award (finder's fee commission income) for taking very important responsible and sensible educational actions to help us find responsible qualified citizens who can qualify to join us and increase our A4J private education club memberships.

     Those very important patriotic sales affiliate advertising education actions can help us educate more qualifiable  American citizens. Our active A4J sales affiliates can get rewarded generously for being active responsible modern-day patriotic citizens.  How about that folks!!!  This is a  remarkable part-time, work from home, income producing opportunity for many club members!!!

     A4J - SC club member sales affiliates will have many exciting opportunities to earn substantial amounts of affiliate award income by simply referring apparently "qualified visitor" American citizens to our introductory healthcare educational website (located at ).

     Those affiliates should also help those American citizens understand that it is very important for them to review all of the educational  presentation in the Home Department of that website. 

     You can see that this is really very easy work to help us accomplish very important educational work for more patriotic American citizens.

     Those very important affiliate referral actions are exciting patriotic opportunities to help our affiliates earn generous affiliate referral awards (finder's fee commission income) in our network marketing home-based business opportunity.   

     Our A4J - SC club members do not need to directly sell any products or services.  They do not need to collect any membership fees or membership paperwork. They can work with this home-based business opportunity whenever it is most convenient for them to do so. 

     They can work at our exciting Internet education business as little or as much as they choose to work. The amount of affiliate referral awards income that they will earn will likely be directly related to the amount of effort they choose to put into this very important income opportunity.  They are their own boss, and they choose how much referral advertising activity work they want to accomplish each day or each week.

Prospective Members of


     In order to get started as a prospective member of our A4J-SC private membership club, an "apparently qualified" natural-born American citizen needs to visit our introductory A4J educational website and learn about our very important education services.  Americans5Justice-SC.com/

     If visitors appreciate and like our vital education services, they can obtain additional information about our membership services and opportunities by contacting our office personnel in Mauldin, South Carolina (Greenville County) by Email, Fax, U.S. Mail, or by telephone. They should request additional A4J club membership information

     Our office personnel will followup with a responsive Email to that person.  We can also refer them to this second Americans4Justice-club  website, if they have not already visited this website. 

     After they responsibly review this second A4J website, if they choose to move forward with their membership actions, we will mail them our Membership Application Form and our Membership Questionnaire for their review.

     They can then choose to complete our Membership Application form and our Membership Questionnaire and mail that very important information back to our mail address for our review. 

    Their Membership Application Form and our Membership Questionnaire information will be reviewed carefully by our office personnel.  If the applicant appears to be fully qualify for membership in our A4J private education club, they will be notified by Email that their paperwork information met all of our requirements and the only thing needed for final approval is their annual membership fee payment. 

    If they then choose to proceed further, they will purchase their annual membership.  Their membership information will be entered into our computerized membership software program, and they will be quickly activated as a new member of our A4J private education club.

     We will promptly notify them by Email that their A4J education club membership has been activated, and we will mail them our Welcome information Kit to their home address.  

     Each new A4J - SC club member can review their club member Welcome Information Kit materials and  become more familiar with our A4J club membership sales affiliate income opportunities.  They can begin to consider how they want to get started toward making easy money with our Home-based network marketing affiliate income opportunities.

     They will find our new member Welcome Information Kit to be very helpful A4J club membership materials that will enable them to get off to a fast start in inviting selected apparently "qualified visitor" citizens that they know to our  remarkable natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational opportunities.  A4J sales affiliates can quickly begin referring apparently "qualified visitor" responsible patriotic-minded citizens to our introductory health concepts educational website, at the address shown below:

 www. dot AdvancedNaturalHealthConcepts dot com


     That introductory educational website will do most of the work involved in educating potential "qualified visitors" about our A4J private educational club membership.  That very important website enables "qualified visitors" to review and evaluate our educational objectives and the remarkable six separate subjects educational services that we offer our A4J education club members.

     If the prospective"qualified visitor" shows a positive responsible interest in perhaps joining our private A4J education club membership, the referring A4J affiliate can then invite the prospect to visit this additional A4J educational website for more information about our network marketing software program features and functions that can work very well for each new A4J club member sales affiliate.

     Each A4J club member can choose to use our education services as much or as little as they see fit to enhance their future in America.   

     After becoming an A4J club member, the new member is eligible to encourage other patriotic-minded "qualified visitors" that they know to visit our introductory educational website by using Business Cards, Email, Faxes, Flyers, Postcards, and follow-up type Telephone Calls, as forms of communications that we have already approved for use by sales affiliates, as explained in their new member's Welcome Information Kit

     A4J sales affiliates who already use a business card can have an ink stamp made so they can stamp our introductory educational A4J website address on the back of their business cards.  Some of their referred "qualified visitor" citizens to our introductory education website will likely want to join our A4J club member team of responsible modern-day patriots and begin enjoying the exceptionally important and valuable benefits of A4J private education club membership.

Network Marketing Advantages

     In conventional business advertising, a business normally pays for the advertising before the results of the advertising are known. 

     That advertising project may not be very productive, but that does not cancel the advertising fees that are usually paid for or obligated up-front at the beginning of the advertising project.

     Our network marketing advertising uses a totally different form of advertising that involves paying Affiliate Referral Awards (finder's fee commission income) to our A4J club member sales affiliates when they successfully help us find new members for our A4J private education club. 

     They personally select "apparently qualifiable" natural-born American citizens who may likely qualify for our A4J education club membership, and they then responsibly refer them to our introductory educational website (www dot AdvancedNaturalHealthConcepts dot com) to begin their education about our very important educational services for local patriotic Americans 

     As you know, each new member of Americans4Justice - SC pays a very reasonable annual membership fee, and we (ABC of Health) then promptly share a generous part of that annual membership dues fee with the A4J - SC club member sales affiliate that first introduced that person to our introductory educational website

     ABC of Health will pay generous sales affiliate referral awards (commission income) to the referring sales affiliate

     Our network marketing computerized membership software system will keep good software records for Sales Affiliate Referral Awards that are paid for each new A4J private education club membership after the membership dues are paid at our home office location in Mauldin, South Carolina. 

     As you likely understand, every successful business operation must establish an effective way to pay all business operating expenses and retain a reasonable profit - if it is going to be able to stay in business.

     We have established a remarkable sales affiliate referral awards system that is a win-win-win situation for everyone involved with each A4J annual club membership purchase.  

    1)  The new A4J club member wins,

    2)  the referring affiliate wins (generous affiliate award) and

    3)  their upline affiliates also win (affiliate awards up to 4 levels upline)

    4)  and ABC of Health wins when it retains a modest amount of profit in the sale of each new A4J club membership.

    5)  America wins big time through our education of the new member

    6)  The new member will likely sponsor new club members who win

    7)  Those new members can sponsor new members who also win, and the winning continues as more new A4J club members are sponsored. 


     This remarkable network marketing advertising system enables A4J - SC club members to earn easy finder's fee type commission income for doing very important educational work by simply referring apparently "qualified visitors" to our introductory educational website (www dot Advanced Natural Health Concepts dot com).

     You have already learned that our very important and well-developed six subjects educational programs and educational services are explained at our educational websites.  You can use the convenient links below to quickly review two websites:

     Our  Sales Affiliate Referral Awards Income System is a very good incentive for many patriotic-minded Americans to seriously consider joining our private A4J educational club and helping us find more apparently "qualified visitor" citizens to visit and review our Introductory Advanced Natural Health Concepts Educational Website.  (The first website listed above.)

     It is important to understand that ABC of Health pays a generous Sales Affiliate Referral Award to actively referring club members after their apparently "qualified visitor" referred visitors are actually "qualified" by our office personnel and the referred "qualified visitor" then individually choose to join our A4J private education club membership.  

     You can see that this is a different advertising concept than paying advertising fees for conventional advertising before potential club member advertising responses have been received at our office.  

Advantages of Our Affiliate

Referral Awards Advertising System

      Our Affiliate Referral Awards System is the ideal advertising system for educational services like Americans4Justice - SC, as shown below.  

     (1)  Our major advertising costs (our Affiliate Referral Awards) do not need to be paid until actual results are obtained from that affiliate work advertising (when "apparently qualified" referred contacts choose to join our independent private A4J - SC educational club membership.

     (2) The total costs to ABC of Health monthly for all Affiliate Referral Awards (our major advertising costs) are directly proportional to the success of our Affiliate Referral Awards Advertising System 

     (3)  Another very important advantage of our Affiliate Referral Awards Advertising System is the fact that it enables our Americans4Justice educational services to help our A4J educational club member affiliates earn substantial amounts of income in a convenient and very easy, time efficient, and dignified manner while doing very important educational work that can help lots of American citizens in very important and very valuable ways.

     (4)  Our A4J education club members can earn generous affiliate referral awards for personally using the very important educational services that we provide.  They can become better informed responsible American Citizens while they are learning how to utilize our natural healthcare and wellness concepts to improve their natural healthcare lifestyle actions a lot for themselves, and for their family dependents.

     (5)  Very important affiliate referral activities for "apparently qualified" patriotic-minded citizens (referring them to our introductory educational A4J website) help us expand our Americans 4 Justice education club membership program.  We can then help additional qualified American citizens with our remarkable education services.

     (6)  Our network marketing advertising system enables ABC of Health (our parent company) to help patriotic-minded A4J private education club members become more effective modern-day patriots because active club member advertising affiliates will have additional income to help them improve their natural healthcare actions and also improve their healthy lifestyle actions while they are learning more about our special natural healthcare and wellness concepts

     (7)  A4J - SC Club members will gradually become much more effective patriotic citizens because they will be healthier, have more energy, think better, and make better decisions as they become more knowledgeable about our six A4J vital education subjects

     (8)  Club members can become more successful in their chosen careers and also become happier and more contented people than they were before becoming an Americans 4 Justice - SC club member 

     (9)  Our educational services will help each club member have a very important membership that will help them defend, protect, and preserve  their future as Americans in very important ways that are unique to their A4J private education club membership.

    (10)  These much improved conditions produce a very desirable Win-Win-Win Situation for our Americans 4 Justice private educational club members, for ABC of Health, and for very important defense and protection actions of our American Republic

Important Questions

     1)  How can any responsible and sensible level-headed patriotic-minded natural-born American adult citizen not like what we are striving to accomplish for our A4J private education club members?

    2)  How can patriotic-minded responsible and sensible "qualified visitors" not want to become a part of and help improve and strengthen this remarkable independent private educational club membership?

Affiliate Referral Awards

     Our Affiliate Referral Awards System enables us (ABC of Health) to pay an affiliate referral award for each new A4J club member that joins our patriotic team membership.  Consequently, when a new member joins, the sponsoring A4J club member affiliate will receive an Affiliate Referral Award because we share a portion of the new club member's annual dues membership fee with the appropriate A4J team member sales affiliate.  That situation makes this a very easy income system.

     This sharing the income advertising system obviously produces some very desirable results.  And then twelve months later, when it is time for each A4J club member affiliate to consider voluntarily renewing their A4J club membership for another year (at a very reasonable reduced cost), they will very likely want to do that for several reasons, as shown in the listed circumstances below: 

     1)   They will appreciate what Americans 4 Justice has done for them and their immediate family members during the past year.  They like our education services, and they like the positiveconstructive, and productive effects that our education programs have had in improving their life and their attitude about work and life. 

     They enjoy having more knowledge about several very important educational subjects that enhance their lifestyle, and they like the fact that this vital educational knowledge has empowered them to become more effective American citizens and more effective American patriots.   

     2)    A4J club members understand that our educational services have the potential to cause these desirable effects upon thousands of patriotic-minded American citizens living in selected upstate South Carolina.  They will likely want to continue their membership in Americans 4 Justice to help support our effective teamwork building education services for protecting, defending, and strengthening important and valuable ideals that provide the core basis for our precious freedoms and liberties as American citizens 

     3)   They have likely earned more income from our Affiliate Referral Awards than the reasonable cost of renewing their annual membership.  Consequently, it will make good sense to stay the course with this very easy rewarding home-based business opportunity.

     They understand that renewing their membership will ensure that they will continue being qualified to earn additional affiliate referral awards for each new member that joins our A4J  club membership as a result of their personal advertising work (referring apparently "qualified visitors" to visit and review our introductory education website at www dot Advanced Natural Health Concepts dot com

     4)   Club members understand that they will likely make more money during the next twelve months than they did during the past twelve months because the number of members is likely growing in their affiliate referral award team

     Active A4J club members understand that they can earn an affiliate referral award for each membership renewal that is made during the next twelve months within their affiliate referral award team members. 

     5)   Our club members understand that they must be current club members (membership dues fee status is current) to be qualified to receive Affiliate Referral Awards during the next twelve months - to earn from each new club member fee and each renewal club member fee that occurs within their downline Affiliate Referral Award Team

     Consequently, it will make good sense to renew their club membership in a timely manner so they do not lose their qualified status to receive their potential affiliate referral awards for each new club membership that they personally sponsor and also for each renewal of club membership that will likely occur within their Referral Award Team during their next A4J club membership year.   

    6) This ongoing Affiliate Referral Awards System ensures that our actively referring club member affiliates will likely choose to renew their club membership, year after year into the future.  This remarkable growing in size residual income feature is available to each A4J club member who chooses to actively refer apparently "qualified visitors" to our introductory educational website link shown below:



      In essence, a generous portion of each annual club membership fee will be paid to our club member affiliates by ABC of Health to reward them generously for helping us find qualified responsible and sensible patriotic-minded natural-born American citizen applicants for membership in our independent A4J private education club.

     Lon and Janie Willoughby have developed an excellent business opportunity for A4J club member affiliates to reward them financially and help them advance toward their financial freedom goals

     Our office personnel do most of the administrate paperwork involved, and we also provide all of the very important and very valuable education services that we make available to each A4J Club Member.

     Our Affiliate Referral Awards Advertising System also works well for new members that are just joining our A4J education club because new members will have access to our remarkable education services, and they will automatically be qualified to participate in exciting opportunities to earn generous Affiliate Referral Awards by simply referring "apparently qualified" American citizens that they know to our A4J introductory educational website.

     Hopefully, most of their qualifiable referrals will wisely choose to become new members of our Americans 4 Justice - SC private education club.      

     Please review our Objectives and Programs departments and then seriously consider joining our team of patriotic-minded Americans.  

     We are always looking for responsible patriotic-minded Christian oriented natural-born American adult citizens who care about the remarkable heritage that we very fortunately inherited from our Founding Fathers and Mothers and the thousands of courageous people who helped develop colonial America.

     We recognize and appreciate very much the hundreds of thousands of men and women and children who suffered a lot and the many thousands who died due to their efforts to help defend and protect our incredible American heritage.

"Qualified visitors" Can Easily Take an

Active Part in Modern-day Patriotism

     Our A4J - SC club members can easily take a very important active part in helping defend, protect, and support our remarkable American heritage in a very easy, convenient, comfortable, and dignified manner. Our private education club members can simply refer responsible and sensible American citizens to our two introductory educational websites. 

     Is this too much to ask of responsible patriotic-minded Americans?  Of course not!  Especially so when you consider that we have developed a way to pay our club member affiliates generous commission income for helping us recruit new members for our A4J private education club.

     Americans 4 Justice-SC provides a very important opportunity to modern-day American patriots to exercise and strengthen and protect their very important and valuable American citizenship responsibilities by being an active member of our independent private education club

     Members of Americans 4 Justice - SC will learn how to become much more effective American patriots. They will be  helping improve our American Republic in very important ways by simply helping ABC of Health (our parent company) educate more website visitors while we are educating more A4J education club members about our vital education services. 

     You have already learned that we have two introductory education websites that provide a lot of very important and very valuable education that is "free to review" for all American citizen visitors. 

     Remember that we educate visitors to our websites about the gradual development of Lon Willoughby's special natural healthcare concepts knowledge over a period of many years of continued  research, study, and learning while also working in his career jobs. 

     It is important to remember that Lon Willoughby dedicated many years of his life to acquiring vital natural healthcare and wellness concepts knowledge

     He worked in his complex health and wellness products sales store for 15 years (1999 to 2014) with no pay during those years as he and wife Janie struggled financially to keep the health store in business against great competitive odds.  They used all of their accumulated IRA retirement funds (several hundred thousand dollars) to keep the business going, and they also borrowed several hundred thousand dollars when that was necessary to keep the health store in business.

     Although the health store business eventually failed, like thousands of other small independent health stores in America during those difficult years, Lon was very successful in acquiring exceptionally important and valuable alternative health type natural healthcare and wellness concepts knowledge that he can now share with many people.  

     He and wife Janie are educated and trained competent dedicated educators, and they have developed an outstanding way to present vital education to a lot of American citizens using a modern sophisticated network marketing computerized software system. 

     This sophisticated software system enables ABC of Health to offer exciting income opportunities to many patriotic-minded American citizens by simply joining our A4J private education club and then helping us with our vital education services

     You have already learned that the officers of ABC of health clearly see the great need for patriotic-minded American citizens to acquire vital natural healthcare and wellness concepts knowledge so they can learn how to take much better care of their natural healthcare assets. 

      People in South Carolina also need to have more healthcare freedom in the healthcare services marketplace. Currently, the healthcare services available to people are dominated by the medical profession that is heavily dependent upon pharmaceutical company drugs that have proven again and again how they can be very dangerous to patient's lives. 

      As reported in our introductory Advanced Natural Health Concepts educational website, the current day medical profession healthcare systems in America have been shown to be a major killer of medical patients in America (thousands of deaths per year). 

       Our education services also work responsibly to help maintain our precious individual freedoms that have been acquired at a great amount of personal sacrifice (and deaths) by many thousands of American citizens during the past 240+ years. 

     We also educate "qualified visitors" to our introductory education website and also educate our private education club members (in more detail) about the great need to develop more fairness and justice in American courts

     Our A4J founder, Lonnie Willoughby, has learned that there are a lot of judicial actions that can be unfair, unethical, and  disgustingly corrupt self-serving actions - and yes, criminal-minded judicial action in American judicial systems

       He has personal experiences with these issues that have consumed more than 18,000 hour of his life (that is equivalent to more than eight years of full time work at 40 hours per week) over a period of 20+ years. 

     Those ongoing related litigation actions cost him about $150,000 dollars in cash money, and they also cost him a loss of income of several hundred thousand dollars over that period of 20+ years.  Those litigation actions in a distant southern state (Florida) interfered with his natural health store duties and responsibilities in Greenville County, SC repeatedly (many times) from March 1989 into year 2010.

     A lot of those litigation actions maliciously and ruthlessly retaliated against him because he had responsibly and courageously exposed many unfair and unethical trial court litigation actions that caused him to file and prosecute ten appeal cases. 

     The last nine of those appeals were prosecuted pro se (without attorney assistance) because he learned that he could not trust an appeal attorney to expose unfair and unethical actions to an appellate court in a fair and responsible manner. 

     The appeal attorney failed (refused) to expose the unfair, unethical, and corrupt litigation schemes and tactic that had been used against defendant trustee Lonnie Willoughby, Jr. in the trial court below.  His unfair and unethical appeal case attorney actions literally cause trustee Lonnie Willoughby, Jr. to lose his appeal case - that should have been easy to win. 

     Lon knows for sure how disgustingly corrupt American litigation actions and trial court judges and appellate court judges can be and get away with all of it.  Why?  Because members of the legal profession (the legal brotherhood) control the courts and also control the investigative and prosecution actions. They rarely (almost never) act in a fair and impartial manner about such legal profession complaint issues.

     Our education services also promote in responsible ways the need for patriotic-minded citizens to strive for more fairness and equality among American citizens regarding gender and race and regarding fair pay for both male and female employees doing the same amount and level of work.

     As you can see, we strive to provide more important opportunities for our A4J private education club members than they have ever had before. 

     Making some progress with these vital objectives will enable each A4J club member to have much better opportunities for achieving the optimum potential in their personal life (career, family, care of their children and maybe grandchildren, and improving care of their aging parents). 

     Think about this for a few moments:  have you found a better way to accomplish our primary education objectives? 

     Have you found a better way to help you protect your future  and your immediate family member's future in America?

     You may become a member of our A4J - SC club if you can meet our qualification standards and also have what it takes to be an effective modern-day patriotic American.  New membership applicants usually come to us by being referred (recommended) by someone who is already a member of Americans 4 Justice - SC. 

      However, we can also accept applications for membership from qualifiable patriotic-minded Christian-oriented natural-born American citizens who have not been referred to us by one of our A4J club members.  In those situations, we have a somewhat more stringent evaluation process for membership applicants.

     Thank you for your kind and thoughtful consideration of our vital education services, our Objectives and our six-subjects Education Programs

     Please contact us by easy email if you want to obtain additional information or if you have comments that you would like to share with us. 

     Select the Contact Us Icon at the top or bottom of this Home Department to obtain a convenient form for email communications with us.  However, If you want to retain a copy of your email communications to us, please use the email system that you normally use when sending email to other people (you can send yourself a Cc of your email or you can likely find a copy of your email in your email "Sent" folder).    

    May you live long and prosper well in good health in America. (yes, America is still the land of the free and the home of the brave - for as long as we modern-day patriotic Americans can help manage to keep it that way),


Lon Willoughby

Lonnie E. Willoughby, Jr., is the founder and director of  Americans4Justice and the founder and president of ABC's of Health, Inc., dba ABC of Health in selected upstate ZIP Code areas of South Carolina.  (296 - - and 293 - - )  

Note:  We do not sell, trade, or share in any manner information about our visitor information, our members, our membership list, or our Email list (with other businesses, companies, or other groups, or anyone - period).  Your personal information is safe with Americans4Justice and ABC of Health.


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on August 20, 2022